"It's bad... It's very difficult for a human being to accept or to see what is happening in our country"
Nestor left Cameroon in 1996 after finishing his degree at the University of Yaoundé. He has been living in South Africa ever since. "In any crisis, you can always find a solution. All this has happened because of the Biya regime, not because of Cameroonians. If this situation was called by Francophones coming to fight Anglophones, we'd have a good reason to say 'look, these brothers and sisters are fighting against us', but it's because the Biya regime has decided to stage a war against his own people. I would like us to sit at the table and find an amicable solution."
The complexities of the conflict in Cameroon will be dissected further in weeks to come - as we explore the many forces at play. Though many feel revolted at the atrocities on the Anglophone side, many others feel the Biya regime is taking necessary steps to make amends and create a united country. Many Anglophones live in fear of expressing that they believe in federalism or con-federalism because separatist groups might target them. As so many conflicts, there are more than just two sides. Many wish for peace, but some wish for it by creating an independent country, others just want things to work as a whole. There is no simple or straight answer.